About 20 minutes from Rome, Ostia is Latin for “mouth” meaning that Ostia is situated at the mouth of the Tiber River. It was Rome’s primary commercial and military port until the start of its demise in the 4th century, due to less trade, resulting from silting of the harbor and malaria.
- The thermal "Baths of Neptune", a stunning mosaic measuring 55 x 36 ft still exists depicting the God of the Sea riding a chariot drawn by 4 horses.
- Castle of Julius II, built in 1483, is one of the first ever examples of military architecture.
- Road of the Tombs Cemetery, leading to the "Porta Romana", one of the city's 3 gates.
- Agrippa Theatre, built by Agrippa (Augustus' son-in-law). Located in a central position, the theatre is still used today during the summer.
- Thermopolium, an ancient bar not unlike those of today with its marble counter and frescoed paintings of fruit and items for sale.
- Museo Ostiense, houses remarkable articles found during excavations can be seen here.